Oliver Streuli New Chief Financial Officer of Rieter Group
Ad-hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
The Board of Directors of Rieter Holding Ltd. has appointed Oliver Streuli to the Group Executive Committee of Rieter Group as Chief Financial Officer, effective August 1, 2023.
Oliver Streuli was from June 2019 until April 2023 CEO at PCS Holding AG in Frauenfeld (Switzerland), a private institutional investment company, where he was responsible for developing the investment strategy as well as the financial and strategic supervision of the industrial portfolio companies. He was also project manager for the IPO on the SIX Swiss Exchange at Stadler Rail AG, Bussnang (Switzerland). Previously, he held different positions at UBS.
He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Swiss Steel Holding AG, Lucerne (Switzerland), and of Autoneum Holding AG, Winterthur (Switzerland).
Oliver Streuli was a member of the Board of Directors of several industrial and financial portfolio companies of PCS Holding AG in Switzerland, in Austria and in Türkiye, which are active in fields of electric propulsion systems, green mobility and rolling stock leasing.
The Board of Directors of Rieter voted unanimously to elect Oliver Streuli as Chief Financial Officer. “Rieter has gained with the election of Oliver Streuli an expert for the function of Chief Financial Officer whose skills are an excellent complement to the Group Executive Committee,” says Thomas Oetterli, member of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer.
Oliver Streuli was born in 1988 and is a Swiss citizen. He holds a Master’s degree in Accounting and Finance from University St. Gallen (HSG).

Relindis Wieser
Head Group Marketing & Communication, Member of the Extended Group Executive Committee8406 Winterthur
About Rieter
Rieter is the world’s leading supplier of systems for manufacturing yarn from staple fibers in spinning mills. Based in Winterthur (Switzerland), the company develops and manufactures machinery, systems and components used to convert natural and man-made fibers and their blends into yarns in the most cost-efficient manner. Cutting-edge spinning technology from Rieter contributes to sustainability in the textile value chain by minimizing the use of resources. Rieter has been in business for more than 225 years, has 18 production locations in ten countries and employs a global workforce of around 5 630, about 16.4% of whom are based in Switzerland. Rieter is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under ticker symbol RIEN. www.rieter.com
All statements in this report which do not refer to historical facts are forecasts which offer no guarantee whatsoever with respect to future performance; they embody risks and uncertainties which include – but are not confined to – future global economic conditions, exchange rates, legal provisions, market conditions, activities by competitors and other factors which are outside the company’s control. This text is a translation of the original German text.