Media Releases

Facts and figures on the fiscal year, semi-annual results, annual general meeting, acquisitions and many other media releases of the Rieter Group are available for download on this page. The most up-to-date at the top and quickly accessible, but also those of recent years are easy to find. And anyone who is interested in an event from Rieter in the past will be successful in the archive or should contact the Rieter media relations.

On July 16, 2024, Rieter and Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd. (DIW) have signed a purchase contract for more than 700 of the company's winding machines…

Rieter's J 70 air-jet spinning machine: Air-jet spinning at low yarn conversion costs.

Guangxi Baisheng Textile Co., Ltd. signed an agreement with Rieter to implement the world’s first complete spinning process using Rieter’s latest air-jet spinning technology J 70.

[Translate to Turkish:] Automated piecing for ring and compact-spinning machines with the fully automatic piecing robot ROBOspin.

ROBOspin – kârlılığı artırır ve iş gücü yönetimini optimize eder / DP5-T – yüksek kaliteli hava tekstüre filament iplikler / C 81 – akıllı sensörler sayesinde olağanüstü taraklama sonuçları / En yeni…

Rieter Annual General Meeting 2024

Shareholders adopt all motions proposed by the board of directors.

Rieter Annual Report 2023

Sales of CHF 1 418.6 million in the 2023 financial year / Order intake of CHF 541.8 million in the 2023 financial year; order backlog of around CHF 650 million as of December 31, 2023 / EBIT margin of…

Signing Ceremony Rieter DIW

On March 6, 2024, Rieter received an order for the first batch of Rieter technology amounting to around CHF 62 million from Shanghai Digital Intelligence World Industrial Technology Group Co., Ltd.…


The Media Releases of years 2017 back to 2009 are available in the archive.

Relindis Wieser

Head Group Marketing & Communication, Member of the Extended Group Executive Committee
Klosterstrasse 20
8406 Winterthur