Twin Yarn as an Interesting Option for Yarn Producers

Cops with spin-twisted yarn (twin yarn)

Twin yarn – an interesting alternative

Spin-twisted yarn is an interesting alternative to conventional ply yarn. It offers advantages not only with regard to cost efficiency, but also in terms of yarn hairiness and pilling in knitted fabric. Combined with spinning on a compact-spinning machine, this offers new possibilities.

Spin-twisted yarn, also known as “twin”, is primarily produced on compact-spinning machines. The characteristics of twin yarn are very similar to the characteristics of ply yarn and they often even surpass them. Depending on the area of application, ply yarn is not always necessary and twin yarn can easily be used in its place. Unlike standard ply yarn production, there is no twisting process in twin production. Compared to single-ply yarn, the very low hairiness and excellent knitting characteristics – in particular the very low pilling tendency – are outstanding. This means that twin yarn offers many interesting advantages over single-ply yarn as well as economic advantages over ply yarn.

Following the market launch of compact-spinning technology, there have been key advantages for twin yarn production. Comprehensive technological research analyzes and evaluates the basic principles of the entire spinning process. Very fine yarns were produced from micromodal fibers. The end product chosen was a high-quality knitted fabric for outdoor use. This research enables spinning mills to advance their product development and expand their product portfolio so that they are able to progress into new customer segments.

All of the facts and results from the comprehensive research are available as a technology publication.

The principle of a twin yarn production with Rieter compact-spinning technology.